Dale Chihuly, "Cathedral Violet Chandelier" (detail), 1999; glass, wire, armature.

Main entrance into the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art. Arnie Zimmerman, Untitled, 1984, glazed stoneware.

Kara Walker Exhibit
Installation view from the Kara Walker exhibition "Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated)."

SFCC Student Tour
Victoria Weaver leading a tour through the Douglass Freed Exhibition "Paintings 1973-2010."

Exterior view of the Daum and Dale Chihuly's "Cathedral Violet Chandelier."

Daum Museum Outside
Main entrance into the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art. Arnie Zimmerman, Untitled, 1984, glazed stoneware.

Daum Museum Room
Installation view from "New Now 2: Recent Additions to the Collection."

Main entrance to the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art.

Installation view of "Analagons: Selections from the Collection."

Daum Escape Tour Group
VTS tour group studying a painting. Michiko Itatani, Untitled, 1988, oil on canvas.

Museum Docent Teaches Kids About Art
Docent Scarlett Pirtle leading a tour through the Tanya Hartman exhibition "So That I May Carry You with Me."

Daum Museum Escape Group
Docent Anita Dabney and Nicole Thomas leading a tour through the exhibition "Figures."

Students on VTS Tour
Vicki Weaver, curator of education, leading a tour through Damon Freed's artwork, a part of "4 Point Perspective."

Outside Museum Gallery
Foreground: Carlo Zauli, "White Metamorphosis," 1974-75, stoneware.
Background: Carol Fleming, "United Forest," 2001, stoneware.

Hugh Merrill Exhibition
Installation view of "Hugh Merrill: Lucky Dragon Series."

Awards presentation at the "2012 Student Art Exhibition."

Installation view of the 2013 Sedalia Visual Art Association members’ exhibition "Id You Is? The Art of Self-representation."

Installation view of "In Ruins: Michael Schultz, Steven Montgomery, Raymon Elozua."

Installation view of "2381° Fahrenheit: Darcy Badiali, Peter Callas, Peter Voulkos."

Opening reception for "4 Point Perspective: SFCC Faculty Exhibition."

Opening reception of Tanya Hartman's exhibition "So That I May Carry You with Me."

Opening reception of Tanya Hartman's exhibition "So That I May Carry You with Me."

Opening reception of Tanya Hartman's exhibition "So That I May Carry You with Me."

Opening reception of Tanya Hartman's exhibition "So That I May Carry You with Me."