Whenever possible the Daum Museum produces catalogs to accompany its major exhibitions. These publications typically contain an explanatory essay by the exhibition curator, an allied scholar or art critic, numerous illustrations, biographical information, and an exhibition checklist. Exhibition publications allow the Daum to document its most important undertakings and share this information with an audience that may not have the opportunity to visit the exhibition in person.
For more information about a listed catalogue, call (660) 530-5888 or email info@daummuseum.org with your request.

Anne Austin Pearce: Leaving Alone
September 30 – December 19, 2017
A 32-page catalog including 20 images with an essay titled, “Leaving Alone, Living Together: Anne Austin Pearce’s Necessary Contradictions” by Jamilee Lacy and an introduction by Thomas Piché Jr., Director, Daum Museum of Contemporary Art.

The Thread You Follow: Debra M Smith and Donna Sharrett
October 1 – December 20, 2016
A 32-page catalog including 29 images with an essay titled, “Where Love and Need are One: The Work of Donna Sharrett and Debra M Smith” by Tanya Hartman and an introduction by Thomas Piché Jr., Director, Daum Museum of Contemporary Art.

Christopher Russell: After the Golden Age
January 30 – May 29, 2016
A 32-page catalog including 30 images with an essay titled “After the Golden Age” by Thomas Piché Jr., Director, Daum Museum of Contemporary Art.

Tanya Hartman: So That I May Carry You With Me
January 31 – May 31, 2015
A 32-page catalog including 23 images with an essay titled “ART & SOUL, HEART & SOIL: Tanya Hartman’s So That I May Carry You with Me” by Danny Orendorff and an introduction by Thomas Piché Jr., Director, Daum Museum of Contemporary Art.

Remix: Selections from the International Collage Center
September 29 – November 23, 2012
A 96-page catalog including 126 images with an introduction by Pavel Zoubok, Founder, International Collage Center, and two essays titled “Remixed Metaphors: A Brief History of Post-War Collage” by Thomas Piché Jr, Director, Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, and “Collage is Dead, Long Live Collage!” by Richard Rinehart, Director, Samek Art Gallery, Bucknell University.

Douglass Freed, Paintings, 1973-2010
February 5 – May 29, 2011
A 64-page catalog including 43 images with two essays titled “Douglass Freed: Redeeming Harmony” by Elisabeth Kirsch and “Douglass Freed: Capturing the Cosmic Moment” by Robert W. Duffy and an introduction by Museum Director Thomas Piché Jr.

Leaving and waving: Photographs by Deanna Dikeman
October 2 – November 26, 2010
A 32-page catalog including 48 images with an essay titled “Deanna Dikeman: Leaving and waving” by Museum Director Thomas Piché Jr.

Marc Leuthold, Sculpture, 1999-2010
February 6 – August 1, 2010
A 76-page catalog including 43 images, organized by Museum Director Thomas Piché Jr., with essays titled “Marc Leuthold: An Offering to All” by Phong Bui and “Offering: Marc Leuthold” by Tanya Hartman.

Elana Herzog: Dewarped & Unweft
October 2 – December 13, 2009
A 32-page catalog including 17 color photographs with an introduction by Museum Director Thomas Piché Jr. and an interview by Regine Basha.

PARADOX AND CONFORMITY | Paintings and Prints by Richard Deon
February 7 – June 7, 2009
A 32-page catalog including 47 color photographs with a preface and an essay titled “Simile and Contradiction: The Treachery of Images” by Museum Director Thomas Piché Jr.

ALBERT PFARR | Recombinations
October 10 – January 18, 2009
A 32-page catalog featuring 36 color photographs with an introduction by Museum Director Thomas Piché Jr. and an essay titled “Albert Pfarr: Tightrope Walker” by Kathleen Whitney.

Ron Ehrlich | In Other Words
February 9 – March 14, 2008
A 32-page catalog featuring 25 color reproductions with an introduction by Museum Director Douglass Freed and an essay titled “Dynamic Stillness: The Paintings of Ron Ehrlich” by Dominique Nahas.

Walter McConnell | Itinerant Edens
February 9 – March 14, 2008
A 40-page catalog including 44 color photographs with an introduction by Museum Director Thomas Piché Jr. and an essay titled “The Nature of Clay, Walter McConnell’s Itinerant Edens” by Susan Cross.

Peter Callas | Sparks
October 6, 2007 – January 27, 2008
A 56-page catalog featuring 57 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essay “Romancing the Mud: The Ceramic Art of Peter Callas” by Ronald Andrew Kuchta.

St. Louis Painters Invitational
June 9 – October 16, 2007
Artists included in the exhibition: Jamie Adams, Jeff Aeling, Laura Beard Aeling, Brandon Anschultz, Michael Byron, Dan L. Gualdoni, Jerald Ieans, Kelley Johnson, Rob Laboray, Tim Liddy, Eva Lundsager, Frederick J. Nelson, Gary Passanise, Daniel Raedeke, Nancy Newman Rice, Charles Schwall, Shane Simmons, Thomas Sleet, Erik Spehn, Matthew Strauss, Mel Watkin, Jerry O. Wilkerson, and Ken Worley. A 56-page catalog featuring 46 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed.

Jeffrey Mongrain: Sculpture
February 3 – May 20, 2007
A 96-page catalog featuring 61 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essays “Jeffrey Mongrain: Secrets and Revelations” by David Revere McFadden and “Jeffrey Mongrain: Animating the Quotidian” by Eleanor Heartney.

Matthew Zupnick: Adjustments
October 30, 2006 – January 14, 2007
A 32-page catalog featuring 23 color reproductions. Essay “Mythology of Materials: The Art of Matthew Zupnick” by Marcus Cain.

Ruth Borgenicht: Articulated Spaces
September 30, 2006 – January 14, 2007
A 32-page catalog featuring 29 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essay “Articulated Spaces” by Jimmy Clark, Executive Director of Peters Valley Craft Center.

Steven Montgomery: Broken
February 11 – May 21, 2006
A 74-page catalog featuring 30 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essay “The Aesthetics of Mechanical Ruins” by Arthur C. Danto.

Jim Sajovic: Evolution
October 1, 2005 – January 22, 2006
A 40-page catalog featuring 33 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essay “Jim Sajovic: Evolution” by Leesa Fanning.

Jim Shrosbree: Zero Distance
June 11 – September 18, 2005
A 10-page catalog featuring 10 color reproductions. Essay “Depth of Surface: The Artworks of James Shrosbree” by Lenore Metrick-Chen.

Joyce Jablonski: Impassioned Rhythms and Transpositions
October 2, 2004 – January 16, 2005
A 32-page catalog featuring 56 color reproductions. Essay “Process as Ritual: Transcending Spiritual and Psychic Energy” by Dr. Kathleen K. Desmond.

Vera Klement: Paintings 1991-2004
October 2, 2004 – January 16, 2005
A 50-page catalog featuring 27 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essay “Unnamable: The Paintings of Vera Klement” by Lynne Warren.

Bay Area Ceramic Sculptors: Second Generation
February 7 – May 2, 2004
Artists included in the exhibition: Arthur González, Annabeth Rosen, Nancy Selvin and Stan Welsh. A 40-page catalog featuring 35 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essays “Teasing Emotion Out of Clay: The Figurative Works of Arthur González,” “Recasting Sculpture: Annabeth Rosen’s Compelling Touch,” “Elegant and Intelligent: Nancy Selvin’s Still Life Arrangements,” and “Psychological Profiles of Stan Welsh” all by Nancy Selvin.

Michiko Itatani: Infinite Remnant
September 27, 2003 – January 25, 2004
A 40-page catalog featuring 30 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essay “Michiko Itatani: Near and Far-Off Heres” by Michael Rooks.

September 28, 2002 – January 12, 2003
Artists included in the exhibition: María José de la Macorra, Anne Lindberg, Cork Marcheschi, Judi Ross, Frank Sander, Peter Sarkisian and James Woodfill. A 40-page catalog featuring 28 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essay “…And All Points in Between: Awakenings at the Daum Museum” by Kate Hackman.

Sculptural Clay Invitational
March 13 – June 9, 2002
Artists included in the exhibition: Paul Allen, Daniel J. Anderson, Inge Gyrite Balch, Robert Bede Clarke, Lisa Tully Dibble, Keith A. Ekstam, Cary Esser, Kenneth Ferguson, Carol Aileen Fleming, Ron Fondaw, Linda Ganstrom, Chuck Hindes, Yoshiro Ikeda, Joyce A. Jablonski, Jeffery C. Johnston, Jun Kaneko, Ron Kovatch, Malcolm E. Kucharski, Yih-Weh Kuo, James Leedy, Linda Lighton, Don Luper, Michael “Mac” McClanahan, Albert Pfarr, Miguel Rodriguez, Katherine L. Ross, James Shrosbree, Jesse Small and George Timock. A 40-page catalog featuring 29 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essay “Idiosyncrasies and Immortality: Artists and Clay” by Sherry Cromwell-Lacy.

Betty Woodman
February 16 – April 14, 2002
A 32-page catalog featuring 23 color reproductions. Introduction by Douglass Freed. Essay “Betty Woodman: Useful Fictions” by Nancy Princenthal.