Seeing Red (Beach Sunset) Estabrook, Reed (American, b. 1944) n.d.
Gove County, Kansas Evans, Terry (American, b. 1944) 1986-1986
Untitled Farley, Gale (?) n.d.
from the series Nocturne (Thramble, France) Fastenaekens, Gilbert (Belgian, b. 1955) 1983
from the series Nocturne (Untitled (tree)) Fastenaekens, Gilbert (Belgian, b. 1955) 1983
from the series Nocturne (Bruxelles) Fastenaekens, Gilbert (Belgian, b. 1955) 1983
from the series Nocturne (Cambria) Fastenaekens, Gilbert (Belgian, b. 1955) 1983
Huerfano Co. Colorado Estabrook, Reed (American, b. 1944) 1974
Other Explanations #3 Estabrook, Reed (American, b. 1944) 1978
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