from the Industrial Remnant Portfolio (Belgium 2005, #4436, Exterior of Steel Mill) Schultz, Michael (American, b. 1952) 2005
from the Industrial Remnant Portfolio (North Carolina 2004, #735, Furniture Factory Exterior) Schultz, Michael (American, b. 1952) 2004
from the Industrial Remnant Portfolio (Germany 2004, #8284, Steel Mill Girders) Schultz, Michael (American, b. 1952) 2004
from the Industrial Remnant Portfolio (North Carolina 2004, #4412, Textile Finishing Plant) Schultz, Michael (American, b. 1952) 2004
from the Industrial Remnant Portfolio (Belgium 2005, #3739, Interior of Ammonia Plant) Schultz, Michael (American, b. 1952) 2005
from the Industrial Remnant Portfolio (Belgium 2005, #8243, Piping Ammonia Plant) Schultz, Michael (American, b. 1952) 2005
from the Industrial Remnant Portfolio (Belgium 2005, #3500, Machine Room) Schultz, Michael (American, b. 1952) 2005
McSorley’s Old Ale House, 15 East 7th St. Abbott, Berenice (American, 1898-1991) 1947
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