Autumn Swimmer Klement, Vera (American, b. Poland, 1929) 1991
from the Totem series (Babel VI) Kelly, Robert (American, b. 1956) 2007
Untitled Painting from Inverse Prelude Itatani, Michiko (American, b. 1941) 1998
Untitled Painting from Writing Constellation Studies Itatani, Michiko (American, b. 1941) 1988
Acephalian Construct Goldman, Lester (American, 1942-2005) 1989
Centered-Horizontal #1, Marine Freed, Douglass (American, b. 1944) 1981
Dyna Astromorph No. 111 Freed, Douglass (American, b. 1944) 1971
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